Blitz (340/640)

From:David McMinn
Date:7 Sep 99 at 17:23:44
Subject:Re: SuperTED etc source...

Hi Tony

> Well, the whole Registry deal (which I havn't worked out what the deal
> actually is yet:), the blitz.library, the Arraylib, Threadlib, Snowlib,
> all those libs I've not even heard of before, etc =]

The registrylib was a thing that was designed to be like the M$ Win9x/NT
registry, you know a single place to store settings for things.

> Not really worth it. Docs would help the newbies more than anything else,
> but newbies prolly shouldn't be playing around in such deep asm anyway ;]

Especially not Mark Sibly's ASM if its still there ;)

> Hmmm, what's the chances of Rob being able to incorperate the FreeBlitz
> project into his Blitz 2000 site? That would make it pretty complete then
> =]]]

Yeah, once the simple stuff is finished, like more of the archives and the
programming section. Any volunteers?

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